Love Is In The Earth
This video was created for a social media promotion of Chakrubs and Tack. I edited the final full length video as well as numerous short teaser videos. I also supervised music production on this project.
The Hunter and the Hunted
In order to promote Ink Magezine's Middle of the Map Fest my team created a handful of live videos in Element Recording Studio. Each band performed an original as well as a cover of one of the headliners. This is by far my favorite video from that shoot (We did a lot). I did everything but hold a second camera and mix down the music on this project.
This series was a collaboration with Alex Sandate of the hair salon Paisley and Stripe. The point behind this series was to promote the idea of a new "unpoo" product called Purely Perfect. I managed every aspect of this video, shooting, interviewing, editing, audio.
MOTM Recap
This was a last minute recap video created for Chevy. This was edited down from over 12 shooters (if I remember correctly). I shot a lot of this, facilitated some interviews, and edited this video. It was a blast!
Wedding Recaps
A large part of my job as a freelance videographer is wedding highlights. I regularly work with people spanning the entire continent editing down their wedding work. It's not glamerous but it can be fun.